Sternotherus minor minor
Loggerhead musk turtle

Sternotherus.m.minor is a small water turtle from North America. The species reaches a length of up to 14.5 cm, making it one of the smallest water turtle species. The carapax is dark to light brown and sometimes even has an orange-like color, with black stripes. The plastron has no pattern and is pink to yellow in color. The skin is brown to rosy with black dots. On the chin are two beard threads.
Males (right) remain slightly smaller at about 12 cm than the females (left) that reach a length of up to 14.5 cm. Males have a thicker tail, and the cloaca is located further from the shield edge compared to the females.

Distribution and habitat
Sternotherus minor minor minor occurs in the states of Georgia, Florida and Alabama of the United States. The species is common in a large number of different habitats; rivers, creeks, lakes, pools, marshes and artificially constructed waterways or drinking facilities for livestock.
Sternotherus minor minor is a shy but curious little turtle species. This species displays aggression towards eachother and also towards other turtle species. The degree of aggression varies from animal to animal. Some animals live peacefully with other turtles while others bite specifically to drive the other turtle out of the territory. With their powerful jaws they can do considerable damage. So it is recommended to house this species solitarty.
- Size aquarium: 80 x 50 x 50 cm or bigger.
- Watertemperature: 20 – 26 degrees celcius
- Temperature heatlamp: 30 – 35 degrees celcius
- Ferguson zone: 2
Musk turtles do not have powerful hind legs to swim with, such as Malaclemys. Nevertheless, they can swim well and are found in their natural habitat in both shallow and deep water. Still, musk turtles prefer to climb to the water surface via wood and other obstacles to breathe and walk more over the bottom than they swim. Therefore, it is better to offer musk turtles sufficient surface area in their enclosure than a high water level. Offer the animals a lot of climbing and hiding possibilities in the form of pieces of wood, stones and (fake) plants. Old roof tiles are very suited to construct a shelter. River sand is a suitable substrate, Sternotherus like to dig and partially bury themselves. Sternotherus minor minor, like most musk turtles, will not sunbathe often or for a long time. It is usually the females with eggs that can be observed to regularly bask beneath the lamp. However, musk turtles, regardless of gender, should be given the opportunity to warm up.
Sternotherus minor minor is an opportunist. The species eats a wide variety of prey items. Their main source of nutrition are molluscs. But also fish, insects, larvae, algae, aquatic plants and carrion are eaten.
To mimic this diet our Sternotherus are offered the following diet: snails, worms, crayfish, mussels, fish, roaches and aquatic plants. Mealworms, pinkie mice and turtle pellets are occasionally offered. A piece of sepia provides the animals with an additional calcium source.